Monday, July 30, 2012 0 comments

Money Hole

It feels good finding out you have made an impact on other people's lives.

Years ago while donating plasma, I randomly called out the spot on my arm where the needle punctured the skin my "money hole." (In case you didn't know, you receive money when you donate plasma) Then today, an old friend and an employee of Biolife told me that to this day, other patrons use the aforementioned reference due in no small part because of me; it caught on like wildfire when other patrons heard me mention the phrase jokingly to the phlebotomist that day.

Always be yourself; you never know who might notice.

Saturday, July 28, 2012 0 comments

I wasted an hour at work today...

Before I began drawing, I thought I had a good idea. You can see the original picture where I got my inspiration. My drawing didn't quite turn out the way I thought I would. At least work went by fast today.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 0 comments

2nd Anniversary

Samantha and I went to Kansas City between July 22 - July 24 for our 2nd anniversary. We visited Worlds of Fun, the Kansas City Zoo, the Blue Nile Cafe, and the world's largest shuttlecock. We both had a blast! Here our some pictures of our trip.

On the train at Worlds of Fun

I made a friend

Having a good time at Worlds of Fun

Samantha catching a ride on a frog.

Samantha being pretty.

Samantha on the African Safari Skylift

Polar bear taking a swim

Mmm. Ethiopian food.

Getting ready to dig in at the Blue Nile Cafe in Kansas City.

Samantha next to the world's largest shuttlecock

Saturday, July 21, 2012 0 comments

Picture Frame Painting

Samantha and I painted some picture frames that we bought at Hobby Lobby. Samantha's is on the left; mine is on the right. It goes without saying that Samantha is a much better artist than I am.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Welcome to my minuscule space on the Internet, a place where I like to post my creative musings, thoughts, happenings, and other personal doodads that I feel like sharing with the world. The purpose of this blog is twofold. First, I hope to allow others to know me in a more intimate fashion, perhaps provide inspiration for those that may have unrealized visionary brilliance of their own. Second, I also would like to use this blog as sort of a personal journal for me, recording my daily experiences so that I can look back many years from now and say,"where did all this extra weight come from?" So sit back, relax, put on some music, and enjoy the randomness that is before you.

Hi Ho Silver, Away!
Playing music in a coffee shop
My lovely and beautiful wife, Samantha
