Monday, August 25, 2014 0 comments


I made it through my first week of my last year as a graduate student. The next nine months will see me focusing on a research proposal, attending classes, obtaining 600 hours of internship, and working two jobs. My life is going to be busy! But there is a bright side that I am relishing in; Samantha and I will have our house back to ourselves starting September 1st. We are both looking forward to the quiet and space that we have been eagerly anticipating for a long while. Besides being busy and getting more space, Zamora has been a busy cat. Last week, she ate a bird. She made sure to let us know by leaving a few feathers and some internal organ by our front door. Isn't Zamora so adorable?
Monday, August 11, 2014 0 comments
I have enjoyed some good literature, television shows, and movies the last two months. The following pictures showcase the best of my leisure time:

Epic fantasy by Brandon Sanderson, my current favorite author.

More epic fantasy by Brandon Sanderson. This book ranks up there as one of my favorite. I still can't stop thinking about it. I am currently reading the sequel to this novel. The author has been signed on to publish 10 books of this series. Mark my words, this will be the next big thing since Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, etc. 
Samantha and I saw this on our 4th wedding anniversary. We still agree it is the best movie we have seen this year.

This movie really surprised me. Nicolas Cage is actually an excellent actor in this movie. I couldn't help but feel these characters could reside in a small Ozarkian town not too far from Springfield. 

Jeepers creepers, this was an amazing show. 

Excellent video game where your choices dictates the video game's story. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Fabletown.


Will I?

Sitting here, I am thinking about all the things I have wanted to write about in depth for the past year but have  had no idea where to start or what to say. These things include my mother's bout with breast cancer and her subsequent recovery, my parent's divorce and the emotional impact it has had on both of them, the passing of my father's mother, and my mother-in-law's unending need for financial support from me and Samantha. It seems all the things that weigh heavy on my mind and heart are so difficult for me to face lately. Sometimes I feel like my life has been on cruise control with only minor speed bumps impeding my journey. Now that I have come face to face with some of life's true hardships, it is almost too much to bare. I wonder if I lose myself in my studies and international trips, my books and music, my work and leisure only to avoid the true problems that tug at my soul. I can't help but feel so weak when I see my loved ones suffer. It makes me feel weaker knowing I never did anything to try and make the situation better. I wonder how can I ever be a successful therapist if I can't deal with my own shit. I always tell myself I will deal with it one day. But I wonder, will I? Will I ever be a source of comfort for my mother, my father, my family? When that day comes closer to say our final goodbyes, will we be at peace with each other? Or will I only feel regret and sorrow at wasted opportunities gone by?