Thursday, July 31, 2014 0 comments

Adventures in Mexico

The week before the World Cup started, Samantha and I traveled to Mexico to attend a family wedding. Samantha's uncle, Ansie, married his girlfriend of 10 years, Agi. When we arrived at the Four Seasons in Punta Mita, it was like entering another world. Everywhere you looked was picturesque. The ceremony took place on the beach. It was very beautiful. Afterwards, we all celebrated by eating, drinking, and dancing. The night concluded with almost everyone jumping in the pool while it rained. Thinking back on that night, it is difficult to recall details; it all felt like a dream. Fortunately, the event was well documented; there is plenty of videos and pictures that were taken. The following pictures are just a very small sample. Cheers.

Samantha's uncle (Ansie) and his bride (Agi). Two very wonderful people that are truly in love. 

Here is a picture of the wedding ceremony. The person that married me and Sam (Sevo) is also the same person that married Ansie and Agi here. 

Here is Ansie with Agi and her parents. Agi's father is from Nigeria and her mother is from Romania. Agi's parents are some of the happiest people I know. 

I honestly don't remember this happening, but I am sure Samantha and I had a good reason to be drinking a shot together. 

Samantha and I dancing. Sevo is giving me a jealous look.

The family from the states. 

I wish I could post more pictures of the hotel that is the Four Seasons. It was so beautiful. 

Monday, July 28, 2014 0 comments

4th Wedding Anniversary

Last Thursday, Samantha and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. The first thing we did was watch Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at the Marquee Suites Theater in Ozark, MO. It was such a cool experience. They brought us alcoholic beverages and food while we watched the movie. Best of all, we had the entire theater to ourselves. The movie was fantastic too. We both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Afterwards, we went to the Branson Landing in, you guessed it, Branson, MO. We spent the evening strolling through the various shops and alleyways. It was a lovely evening. The next day, we had a romantic dinner at the Argentina Steakhouse. It doesn't get much fancier in terms of what is available in Springfield.

Looking back, it is surprising to think that I have been married four years. It still feels like I just got married the other day. I wonder how it will feel next year.

Getting our picture taken before we head to Argentina Steakhouse

Samantha enjoying a cocktail before the movie starts

I am thoroughly enjoying my drink and the movie. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014 0 comments

Mario Garden

I am growing a garden at the Park Central library on the square. Here is a picture:

Friday, July 18, 2014 0 comments

Guns, Swords, and Magic. Oh My!

Looking for a quality fantasy story that is a quick read? How about a story that involves guns, swords, and magic? Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan provides an engaging story that quickly pulls you in. The story revolves around a military coup and its aftermath. It focuses on the stories of multiple characters including aristocrats, soldiers, mages, and a chef that claims he is a god reborn. Promise of Blood is the first book in the Powder Mage Triology. Check it out!

Thursday, July 17, 2014 0 comments

Kenya Trip

Back in November of 2013, I visited Kenya for the first time with Samantha. During my three week visit, I experienced an overload of new things.

The trip started off poorly. We arrived in the morning before the sun rose. Upon leaving the shuttle from the airplane, an elderly gentleman got his arm caught in the door. I tried helping him, but I caused him more pain attempting to free his arm. After the elderly gentleman was able to free himself, I proceeded to customs within the airport. The officer that collected the fee for my visa kept the change. After proceeding past customs, we discovered our ride did not show up and so we had to wait a few hours at the airport until someone was able to pick us up. On the way to our destination, I saw a car turned over and a group of people standing around the wreck. Our vehicle just kept on driving. I felt scared after that point. There I was half way around the world, and I had just experienced an elderly gentleman possibly break his arm, a corrupt customs officer pocket my money, and a possible fatal accident all in the first few hours upon entering the country.

Those first few hours didn't keep me from having the trip of a lifetime however. I could spend considerable time writing about the entire trip, so I will just mention a few of the most memorable moments for me. One unforgettable moment happened when I found myself dancing at a club from dusk until dawn. The club was called K1, and I danced all night! I had never done anything like that in my life. It was such a blast for me and Samantha. Another cool moment was when I saw three men and a goat go down a dirt road on a motor bike. This was when I was introduced to the phrase, "T.I.A. - this is Africa" I also experienced transportation on a mutatu. Mutatu's are like public buses, except they blast rap music at maximum volume and disregard local traffic laws. I saw many, many animals on the safaris I visited and I experienced church Kenyan style. I visited a little store along the equator and I got to visit Samantha's old home. The most memorable moment, however, was when I had to slaughter a goat to be considered a man among my wife's family. While I don't think I would ever want to do that again, it was an unforgettable experience. Nothing will ever top that. I can't wait to see what my next visit to Kenya will bring.

Samantha and I hanging out at her Aunt Claire's place.
Driving down a Kenyan country road

All traffic stops for crossing zebras. 

Here I am skinning a goat I had just slaughtered.

Here I am taking some recently harvested sugarcane. 

Here is Samantha and I at the equator. 

Monday, July 14, 2014 0 comments

Time for Reflection

It has been a little over a year since I have posted anything on my blog. I remember one of the reasons I created a blog was to use it as sort of an online journal, something to record important and non-important events in my life. In essence, I wanted something to help me remember my past. I regret not posting anything for so long. So much has happened. For the next few weeks, I hope to have a period of deep reflection to think about all the important things that have occurred in my life since my last post. I hope to write about my relationships, my achievements, my failures, my creations, my musings, etc. I hope to get back on track with this blog. I hope I can continue in the spirit of being creative. One thing I have neglected to do this past year is express myself. It is time to get back to basics.
