Monday, July 14, 2014

Time for Reflection

It has been a little over a year since I have posted anything on my blog. I remember one of the reasons I created a blog was to use it as sort of an online journal, something to record important and non-important events in my life. In essence, I wanted something to help me remember my past. I regret not posting anything for so long. So much has happened. For the next few weeks, I hope to have a period of deep reflection to think about all the important things that have occurred in my life since my last post. I hope to write about my relationships, my achievements, my failures, my creations, my musings, etc. I hope to get back on track with this blog. I hope I can continue in the spirit of being creative. One thing I have neglected to do this past year is express myself. It is time to get back to basics.



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